Benny Hinn Controversy Answered
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Why Benny Hinn is
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claim about Benny Hinn is false?
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- Does it match with Bible?
does not promise us riches on this earth but in Heaven
Benny Hinn is not a false Prophet? Find answers
=> Does Benny Hinn
practice Necromacy?
=> Does Bible ever speak
about Slain in the spirit?
Bible ever speak about Visions of night?
Does Benny Hinn
practice Necromacy?
No Benny Hinn speaks about Visions
and Dreams which is totally Biblical. It
is not necromancy as christianity.com people and many who
follow the same doctrine claim.
Joel 2:28 and Act 2:17-18,
"And it shall come to pass afterward That I will pour
out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall
Your old men shall dream
dreams, Your young men shall
see visions.
Here are the excerpts of christianity.com forum talk. (Page
30 Benny Hinn Fans - .....)
Christianity.com (Moderator Earthless):
Hinn himself, in his own words and preachings has admitted
to necromancy. Which I duly noted in detail a few posts back.
visitor's answer:
What you wrote Doesn't prove that Benny Hinn is doing any
necromancy. I heard that dream on television from Benny Hinn's
mouth myself. That has absolutely nothing to do with contacting
the dead. Jesus talked to Moses and Elijah on the mount of
transfiguration fits more in the description of talking to
the dead. But that was also not contacting the dead spirits.
Christianity.com (Moderator Earthless):
(Hot topics - Benny Hinn Fans.....p-29)
if he is receiving "visions" of the dead, he is
in contact with demons!
So do you think Jesus' transfiguration on the mountain comes
in this category? Here Jesus was talking to Moses and Elijah
who were dead years back. Do you think Jesus was also contacting
dead spirits (deomons)??? Don't
you feel ashamed to speak such false doctrines? Who
gave you the mandate to teach such false teachings to people?
Bible describes about visions and dreams.
Those who are filled with the Holy Spirit can see visions
and dreams according to Joel 2:28 and Acts2:17-18. So how
can you say that Bible belives in nacromacy or a person is
seeing visions means he/she is contacting the dead sprits?
So are you saying visions and dreams are demonic while Bible
clearly speaks about it that a spirit filled person can see
Does Bible ever speaks about
Slain in the spirit?
(Moderator Earthless):
(Page - 24) "slain in the spirit" is unbiblical.
(page - 30) Hinn is actually just a B- Vegas stage hypnotist.
Not that good, but good enough for the crowd he is working with.
Go to any side-show in Vegas and you will see the same crowd
antics and the use of the power of suggestion. "slain
in the spirit" is something that has been seen in the
Hindu and occultic/cultic world for ages - yet is not seen in
the ministry of Jesus nor of the disciples/apostles.
Forum visitor's answer:
What proof you have that Benny Hinn is
hypnotist? Another false accusation. Slain in the spirit
is in Bible. Acts 9:4 Then he fell to the ground, and heard
a voice saying to him, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting
Was Paul under hypnosis?
Note: The christianity.com
Moderators do not have Bible knowledge they even do not have
any answers from the Bible. Yet they claim that what they say
is the right thing not what the Bible says. |
Does Bible ever speak about
Visions of night?
The christianity.com people claim that
Benny Hinn speaks about Night visions that's why he is a false
prophet. Question is does Bible speak anywhere about visions
of night? Yes, Bible in several places speaks about "Visions
of Night" but it looks that christianity.com forum's
moderators never read Bible nor they know what is in the Bible.
Gen 46:2 Then God spoke to Israel in
the visions
of the night, and said, "Jacob,
Jacob!" And he said, "Here I am."
Christianity.com (Moderator
Earthless): (p-29 Benny Hinn
Fans- please read)
Hinn proves over and over that he does not have even an elementary
understanding of biblical interpretation. Hinn's so-called
"vision of the night" fits better into the category
of Jeremiah 14:14 and 23:16:
Note: You can see in this above
post itself that how moderators of christianity.com are ignorent
about Bible. I already said that they believe in less than
20% of the Bible so what can you expect from them. He even
does not know that Bible not only in one place but in several
places speaks about "Visions of the night".